Sunday, November 15, 2009

What are you fav boys names that start with the letter J?

Jordan, James, John, Jack, Jake

What are you fav boys names that start with the letter J?
joshua cause that was my 11 year old cuz that passed away of cancer
Reply:Joseph, Jake, Jack, Jacob, John, Johnny, Jonathan, Jordy, Jordan, Jonah, Joe, Joey, Jericho, James, Jesse, Jamie, Jim, Jimmy, Jan, Jose, Jesus, Jorge, Josh, Joshua, Jeff, Jeffery, Jeremy, Jerry, Jerald,









Reply:jordan, jeremy , jared
Reply:James (My dad's name), Jordan, Jamal (My cousin's name), and maybe Jamie (Like Jamie Foxx)





i like Xavier but it bgins with an X but my favorite nam that begins with a J is Jaiden
Reply:Jovannie, Jose, Jeremy, Johnathon i like those names. Merry christmas
Reply:I like Jacque, Joshua, Jeremy, Jaden, Jyron, and Jaelen!!!
Reply:Justin and Jared

Reply:Some of my favorite J names would be:

Jackson, Josiah, Jacob, Josh, Jarrod, Jesse, Julian, Jordan, Jeremiah, Jack, Jamie, James, Jay, Justin, Jaden, Jude, Jase, and Jonah.

Hope these help! SD
Reply:Favorite names in my son's classes are...

Jack, Johnathan, Jacob, Joshua, Joseph
Reply:i am giving girl and boys both one ok

Name Gender Origin Favorites

JA M African add to namelist

JABARI M Arabic add to namelist

JABILO M African add to namelist

JABIR M Arabic add to namelist

JABULANI M African add to namelist

JACE M American add to namelist

JACEY E American add to namelist

JACHAI M Hebrew add to namelist

JACIE E American add to namelist

JACINDA F English add to namelist

JACINTA F Spanish add to namelist

JACK M English add to namelist

JACKIE F English add to namelist

JACKSON M English add to namelist

JACLYN F American add to namelist

JACOB M Hebrew add to namelist

JACOBA F Hebrew add to namelist

JACQUELINE F French add to namelist

JACQUELLE F French add to namelist

JACQUES M French add to namelist

JACQUI F English add to namelist

JADA E American add to namelist

JADE E Spanish add to namelist

JADEN E American add to namelist

JADON M American add to namelist

JADYN F American add to namelist

JADZIA F Polish add to namelist

JAEGAR M German add to namelist

JAEGER M German add to namelist

JAEL F Hebrew add to namelist

JAELA F American add to namelist

JAELLA F American add to namelist

JAELYN F American add to namelist

JAFARI M Arabic add to namelist

JAFARU M African add to namelist

JAG M Sanskrit (India) add to namelist

JAGANNATH M Sanskrit (India) add to namelist

JAGAT M Sanskrit (India) add to namelist

JAGGER M English add to namelist

JAGUAR M English add to namelist

JAHZARA F African add to namelist

JAIDE F American add to namelist

JAIME E Spanish add to namelist

JAIMIE E American add to namelist

JAIMIN E American add to namelist

JAIRDAN E American add to namelist

JAKE M Hebrew add to namelist

JALEN E American add to namelist

JALENA F Slavic add to namelist

JALENE F American add to namelist

JALIA F Arabic add to namelist

JALIE F American add to namelist

JALIL M Arabic add to namelist

JALILA F Arabic add to namelist

JAM E American add to namelist

JAMAICA E American add to namelist

JAMAL M Arabic add to namelist

JAMAR M Arabic add to namelist

JAME E Hebrew add to namelist

JAMES E Hebrew add to namelist

JAMESE E English add to namelist

JAMESON E English add to namelist

JAMIE E English add to namelist

JAMIL M Arabic add to namelist

JAMILA F Arabic add to namelist

JAMISON M English add to namelist

JAMON M Hebrew add to namelist

JAMUNA F Sanskrit (India) add to namelist

JAN E English add to namelist

JANA F Slavic add to namelist

JANAE F American add to namelist

JANARDAN M Sanskrit (India) add to namelist

JANE F English add to namelist

JANEEVA F American add to namelist

JANELLE F American add to namelist

JANET F English add to namelist

JANETH F American add to namelist

JANETTE F English add to namelist

JANIA F Polish add to namelist

JANICE F English add to namelist

JANIKA F Slavic add to namelist

JANINA F Polish add to namelist

JANINE F English add to namelist

JANIS F English add to namelist

JANNA F English add to namelist

JANNIK M Dutch add to namelist

JANNY F American add to namelist

JANUARY F American add to namelist

JANUS E Latin add to namelist

JANYA F American add to namelist

JAPHETH M Hebrew add to namelist

JARA F Spanish add to namelist

JARAH E Arabic add to namelist

JARED M Hebrew add to namelist

JARIAH E American add to namelist

JARIATH M American add to namelist

JARON M Hebrew add to namelist

JARRETT M English add to namelist

JARVIS M English add to namelist

JASE M American add to namelist

JASER M Arabic add to namelist

JASMIN F Persian add to namelist

JASMINE F Persian add to namelist

JASNA F Slavic add to namelist

JASON M Greek add to namelist

JASPER M English add to namelist

JATIN M Sanskrit (India) add to namelist

JAUNIE F Arabic add to namelist

JAVA E Arabic add to namelist

JAVAN M Arabic add to namelist

JAVANA M All Nationalities add to namelist

JAVEN M Arabic add to namelist

JAVIER M Spanish add to namelist

JAVON M American add to namelist

JAX E American add to namelist

JAXITH M Hungarian add to namelist

JAXON M American add to namelist

JAY M Latin add to namelist

JAYA F Sanskrit (India) add to namelist

JAYASHRI F Sanskrit (India) add to namelist

JAYDEN M American add to namelist

JAYLEN M American add to namelist

JAYME E English add to namelist

JAZLYNN F American add to namelist

JAZZ E American add to namelist

JAZZELLE F American add to namelist

JAZZIELL F American add to namelist

JEAN E English add to namelist

JEAN BAPTISTE M French add to namelist

JEANA F American add to namelist

JEANETTE F English add to namelist

JEANINE F Celtic/Gaelic add to namelist

JEANNE F Celtic/Gaelic add to namelist

JEANNIE F French add to namelist

JEB M American add to namelist

JEBEDIAH M Hebrew add to namelist

JED M American add to namelist

JEDIDIAH M Hebrew add to namelist

JEDREK M Polish add to namelist

JEFF M English add to namelist

JEFFERSON M English add to namelist

JEFFERY M English add to namelist

JEFFREY M English add to namelist

JELA E Swahili add to namelist

JELENA F Slavic add to namelist

JEM E English add to namelist

JEMIMA F Hebrew add to namelist

JEMMA F English add to namelist

JEN F English add to namelist

JENA F American add to namelist

JENAYA F American add to namelist

JENDAYI F African add to namelist

JENEIL F American add to namelist

JENEVA F American add to namelist

JENGO M Swahili add to namelist

JENIBELLE F American add to namelist

JENICA F American add to namelist

JENIFER F English add to namelist

JENIS F American add to namelist

JENN F American add to namelist

JENNA F English add to namelist

JENNAYA F American add to namelist

JENNELLE F English add to namelist

JENNESSA F American add to namelist

JENNICA F English add to namelist

JENNIE F English add to namelist

JENNIFER F English add to namelist

JENNIS F American add to namelist

JENNY F English add to namelist

JENNYL F American add to namelist

JENS M Scandinavian add to namelist

JENSEN E Scandinavian add to namelist

JENSKI E English add to namelist

JERA F American add to namelist

JERED M Hebrew add to namelist

JEREMIAH M Hebrew add to namelist

JEREMY M Hebrew add to namelist

JEREN E American add to namelist

JERENI F Slavic add to namelist

JERI F English add to namelist

JERICA F American add to namelist

JERICHO M Greek add to namelist

JERMAINE E French add to namelist

JEROD M English add to namelist

JEROEN M Dutch add to namelist

JEROLD M English add to namelist

JEROM M American add to namelist

JEROME M Latin add to namelist

JERRELL M English add to namelist

JERRICA F American add to namelist

JERRICK M American add to namelist

JERROD M English add to namelist

JERRY E English add to namelist

JERSEY E English add to namelist

JERUSHA F Hebrew add to namelist

JESIMAE F American add to namelist

JESLYN F American add to namelist

JESS E English add to namelist

JESSAMINE F French add to namelist

JESSE E Hebrew add to namelist

JESSENIA F Arabic add to namelist

JESSICA F Hebrew add to namelist

JESSIE F English add to namelist

JESUS M Spanish add to namelist

JETHRO M Hebrew add to namelist

JETT M English add to namelist

JETTA F Scandinavian add to namelist

JEVIN M American add to namelist

JEVONTE M American add to namelist

JEWEL F English add to namelist

JEWELL F English add to namelist

JEZEBEL F Hebrew add to namelist

JIA LI F Chinese add to namelist

JIANG E Chinese add to namelist

JIE E Chinese add to namelist

JIHAN M Arabic add to namelist

JILES E American add to namelist

JILL F English add to namelist

JILLIAN F English add to namelist

JIM M English add to namelist

JIMBO M American add to namelist

JIMMY M English add to namelist

JIN F Japanese add to namelist

JINAN F Arabic add to namelist

JINELLE F English add to namelist

JIRA F African add to namelist

JIRAIR M Armenian add to namelist

JIRO M Japanese add to namelist

JITKA F Slavic add to namelist

JIVA E Sanskrit (India) add to namelist

JO E Hebrew add to namelist

JOACHIM M Hebrew add to namelist

JOAN F Hebrew add to namelist

JOANN F English add to namelist

JOANNA F English add to namelist

JOANNE F English add to namelist

JOAQUIN M Spanish add to namelist

JOB M Hebrew add to namelist

JOBETH F American add to namelist

JOCASTA F Greek add to namelist

JOCELIN E French add to namelist

JOCELYN E English add to namelist

JOCK M English add to namelist

JODI F American add to namelist

JODIE F English add to namelist

JODY E English add to namelist

JOE E English add to namelist

JOEL M Hebrew add to namelist

JOELLA F Hebrew add to namelist

JOELLE F French add to namelist

JOEY E English add to namelist

JOHANN M German add to namelist

JOHANNA F German add to namelist

JOHARI F Swahili add to namelist

JOHN M Hebrew add to namelist

JOHNATHAN M Hebrew add to namelist

JOHNAVAN M American add to namelist

JOHNAVON M American add to namelist

JOHNDA F American add to namelist

JOHNNA F American add to namelist

JOHNNY M Hebrew add to namelist

JOHNSON M English add to namelist

JOIE F French add to namelist

JOKULL M Scandinavian add to namelist

JOLA F Slavic add to namelist

JOLENE F American add to namelist

JOLIE F French add to namelist

JOLISA F American add to namelist

JOLYON M English add to namelist

JON M English add to namelist

JONAH M Hebrew add to namelist

JONAS M Hebrew add to namelist

JONATHAN M Hebrew add to namelist

JONATHON M Hebrew add to namelist

JONCO M American add to namelist

JONES M Welsh add to namelist

JONI F American add to namelist

JONILA F American add to namelist

JONNY M English add to namelist

JORA F American add to namelist

JORAH F American add to namelist

JORDAN E Hebrew add to namelist

JORDANA F Hebrew add to namelist

JORDANE F French add to namelist

JORGE M Spanish add to namelist

JORJA F American add to namelist

JORJANNA F American add to namelist

JORN M Scandinavian add to namelist

JORRYN E American add to namelist

JORY E English add to namelist

JOSÉ M Spanish add to namelist

JOSEF M German add to namelist

JOSEPH M Hebrew add to namelist

JOSEPHINA F English add to namelist

JOSEPHINE F French add to namelist

JOSH M English add to namelist

JOSHLYNN F American add to namelist

JOSHUA M Hebrew add to namelist

JOSHWA M American add to namelist

JOSIAH M Hebrew add to namelist

JOSIE F American add to namelist

JOSS E English add to namelist

JOSUE M Spanish add to namelist

JOURNEY E American add to namelist

JOVAN M Slavic add to namelist

JOVANNA F Slavic add to namelist

JOVIANNE F French add to namelist

JOVITA F Latin add to namelist

JOY F Latin add to namelist

JOYCE F English add to namelist

JOYLYN F American add to namelist

JUAN M Spanish add to namelist

JUANA F Spanish add to namelist

JUANDALYNN F Spanish add to namelist

JUANITA F Spanish add to namelist

JUBAL M Hebrew add to namelist

JUD M English add to namelist

JUDA F Hebrew add to namelist

JUDAH M Hebrew add to namelist

JUDD M English add to namelist

JUDE E English add to namelist

JUDITH F Hebrew add to namelist

JUDSON M English add to namelist

JUDY F English add to namelist

JUI F Sanskrit (India) add to namelist

JUIN F French add to namelist

JUJI F African add to namelist

JULES E French add to namelist

JULIA F Latin add to namelist

JULIAN E Latin add to namelist

JULIANA F Spanish add to namelist

JULIANNA F English add to namelist

JULIANNE F French add to namelist

JULIE F French add to namelist

JULIET F English add to namelist

JULIETTE F French add to namelist

JULINKA F Hungarian add to namelist

JULIO M Spanish add to namelist

JULISHA F American add to namelist

JULIUS M Latin add to namelist

JULY E English add to namelist

JUMOKE E African add to namelist

JUN M Chinese add to namelist

JUNE F Latin add to namelist

JUNG M German add to namelist

JUNIOR M English add to namelist

JUNIPER F Latin add to namelist

JUNIPERO M Spanish add to namelist

JUNIUS M Latin add to namelist

JUNO E Latin add to namelist

JUSTICE E English add to namelist

JUSTIN M English add to namelist

JUSTINE F English add to namelist

JUSTIS M American add to namelist

JUSTISE F American add to namelist

JUSTUS M Latin add to namelist

JYOTI F Sanskrit (India) add to namelist

JYOTIKA F Sanskrit (India) add to namelist
Reply:i luv joseph cause it is classic!



Reply:Justen, Jordan, Jared, Jaden, Jullian, Jareth, Jacob, and Jeremiah



Reply:Josiah, Jeremy, Jaiden, Jeeves
Reply:Some of my favorites are Jack, Jackson, Jacob, Jacques, James, Jared, Jason, Jay, Jean, Jeffrey, Jeremy, Jerome, Jesse, Jimmy, Joe, Joel, John, Jon, Jonah, Jonathan, Jonathon, Jordan, Joseph, Josh, Joshua, Jude, Junior, and Justin. Have fun choosing one!


Reply:I like James or Jimmy...or how about Juan?
Reply:I just named my son Jahvar but I also love Jayden

























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